online pro dominant

Online Dominant Worldwide Service
Your Dom wherever you are...

The intricate dance of dominance and submission (D/s) is not restricted to physical spaces and personal encounters. In our digital age, the question of “how to find a dominant online” is increasingly relevant. Whether you’re a seasoned participant in the D/s community or a curious newcomer, finding a dominant online requires a careful blend of self-awareness, clear communication, and discerning judgment.

The traditional images of leather, whips, and dimly lit dungeons might be the first thing to come to mind, but the digital age has profoundly impacted every facet of human interaction, which is why I’ve created the online Dominant subscription service.

The online dominant service is tailored specifically to you, catering to your kinks, desires, and goals for what you wish to achieve through the service. From the outset, we will initiate a call to get to know each other and establish a foundation of trust. This connection will enable us to explore and creatively construct a personalised plan that aligns perfectly with your kinks and aspirations.

Text Messages

WhatsApp, iMessage, Signal or Telegram.

Voice Notes

Receive voice notes from me.

Video calls

Keep things personal with scheduled video calls.

Why Would You Want an Online Dominant?

The prospect of pursuing a D/s relationship online might seem unconventional at first. You might wonder, “Why opt for a screen when the tangible world beckons?” Here’s why:

  1. Comfortable Exploration: Venturing online provides you a cushioned environment, allowing you to decipher your boundaries, desires, and inclinations at your pace and comfort.
  2. Balance of Power: While it might seem paradoxical given the nature of D/s, the online aspect grants you a modicum of control over the dynamics, ensuring you never feel too overwhelmed.
  3. Emotional Depth: The absence of physical proximity doesn’t dilute the bond’s emotional potency. If anything, the reliance on words and expressions can sometimes magnify the intimacy.

How We'll Communicate

The way we communicate is as important as what we say. Whether through text, voice, or video, each method has its own special qualities that can enrich your experience in distinct ways. The subtle nuances of a text message, the emotional resonance of a voice note, or the visual intimacy of a video call can all add different layers of connection and understanding. Blending these can craft more textured and immersive interactions.

Text Messages: Your day-to-day lifeline. It’s the pulse that keeps the relationship dynamic, allowing for instantaneous exchanges, tasks, and mutual reassurances.

Voice Notes: There’s an undeniable allure in hearing a voice. It adds a layer of emotion, nuance, and intimacy. Voice notes can serve to intensify tasks, share spontaneous thoughts and feel closer to your Dominant.

Video Calls: These become the crescendos of your digital interactions with me. Video calls infuse a sense of ‘reality’ into the dynamic, offering a chance for real-time visual and emotional connection.

Ti has done what no one, even me, was able to do in years in just one month. I was unsure at first but now I'm certain that I've made the right decision by choosing him as my first Dom.



What to expect

Subscribing to an online Dominant service might initially seem like uncharted territory. However, with the right mindset, open communication, and mutual respect can provide an avenue for profound emotional connections and self-exploration. It’s a journey where you’re both the traveller and the destination. Embrace it, and you might find treasures untold.

To start, we’ll have a call to get to know each other and discuss your kinks, desires and what you would like to get out of the experience.

Examples of the types of tasks

  • Timed
  • Photo evidence
  • Erotic
  • Location-specific
  • Wellbeing
  • Deferred gratification
  • Adhering to rules
  • Rewards & punished
  • Check-ins
  • Self-growth & discovery

Online Dominant Subscription Service

Text Messages
£249 / month
What's included
Personal and unique WhatsApp, Apple iMassage, Signal or Telegram text messages and/or voice notes.
Minimum subscription is two months.
One month cancellation notice.
Monthly check-in call.
Subscribe today
Text & Voice Notes
£299 / month
What you get
Voice Notes, feel closer to your Dominant.
Personal and unique WhatsApp, Apple iMassage, Signal or Telegram text messages and/or voice notes..
Minimum subscription is two months.
One month cancellation notice.
Monthly check-in call.
Subscribe today
Text, Voice Notes & Video Calls
£349-£399 / month
What's included
Video Call(s), real-time visual and emotional connection
Voice Notes, feel closer to your Dominant.
Personal and unique WhatsApp, Apple iMassage, Signal or Telegram text messages and/or voice notes.
Minimum subscription is two months.
One month cancellation notice.
Monthly check-in call.
Subscribe today
Before you subscribe...

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    Real testimonials by real people


    Recently, a deep and unmet need to explore my submissive side, reared it’s head and demanded I do something about it. I wasn’t even sure what that would look like but I knew it was necessary.
    From my first point of contact with Ti I knew I was in good hands.
    In the 6 weeks that I have been immersed in the Professional Dominant Text Service, my life has changed irrevocably.
    Although we have not met and only communicate by text, I feel ‘held’ in a very specific way in my day to day life. The dynamic that I so badly needed, is now in place and I am able to be more fully me because of it.
    This experience has been (and continues to be) growthful, challenging, playful, deeply arousing and has engendered a profound reconnection with both my sexual self and my sense of self.
    I have never felt more known by someone I do not know or more bonded.
    Ti is masterful, alluring and present, creating a seductive narrative which he executes with vigilance, care, respect and wise understanding. He is excellent at what he does.


    Ti’s flawless professionalism and easy nature reassured me from our first exchange onwards. He went beyond ensuring I felt safe and respected in our session. I felt looked after by an attentive and kind individual, who was focused on expertly creating a tailor-made, amazing experience for me. His approach is so conducive to me being comfortable - and excited - engaging in activities where trusting him is key. The experience of being bound and surrendering to Ti’s control, and being held in his arms afterwards, was incredible. He seamlessly weaves together those kinds of contrasts to sublime effect. Ti is an irresistible mix of masterfully dominant and disarmingly likeable - not to mention devilishly attractive. He makes me both shiver with anticipation and melt into letting go.


    Ti absolutely blows my mind. I love the way he talks to me, listens to what I like, treats me, and touches me. He makes me feel like a queen and a slut at the same time, and the combination is totally electric. I think one of Ti’s biggest skills is to be able to absorb and understand what someone wants and really give it to them, without the process feeling awkward. He’s kind at heart, so that even when what we do together is extreme, I trust him. He’s also very easy on the eye 🙂


    London, UK
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